
501(c)(3) Non-Profit Foundation Any Donation is Tax Deductible

The idea behind Vets2Refs, is to help United States Military Veterans and/or First Responders to become licensed high school or youth sports officials. Vets2Refs, will help offset the start up cost for Veteran, by covering their licensing fees and help them acquire the needed equipment for the sport or sports, they would like to officiate. Thus, your support of Vets2Refs, will not only help Veterans and/or First Responders it will also go towards helping alleviate the shortage of youth and high school officials across the country

Support Veterans and First responders

Support Youth and High School Athletes

Provide veterans and/or first responders with OPPORTUNITY within our COMMUNITies

Help Alleviate the shortage of Youth and High school athletics OFFICIALS

Vets2refs is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit foundation any donation is tax deductible

Vets2Refs will support our first time officials with sport specific officiating classes via Ref Reps, high level basketball officiating through Ref Masters, and fitness support via Runnin Refs. Ref Reps offers classes for first time and veteran officials in the sports of your choice, Vets2Refs will offer this at no cost to our new officials! RefMasters is a basketball specific training app that is led by NBA Officials, with our teammates at RefMasters, we will offer our officials three months of free training and classes. Runnin Refs will help you train your body for the field, we offer our officials three months at no cost to learn how to warm up your body and what it takes to be physically prepared to officiate.

Dear Veterans and First Responders, Welcome to Vets2Refs! We are 501(c)(3) Non-Profit that is here to help you start your officiating journey! Please fill out this simple form so we can learn about you. Vets2Refs is here to help veterans and first responders to become licenced youth and high school sports officials. We would like to help you learn about officiating and help offset the start up cost. We are also interested in helping you reach as far as you would like as an official! We hope to help you start the process, acquire the necessary equipment, and eventually help you to reach the highest levels you can dream of! Please take a moment to compete this simple form and we will be in contact shortly! If you have any questions we can be reached at

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