The Vets2Refs Team

Welcome to Vets2Refs, Indiana registered 501 (c)(3) Non-Profit.

Our Mission – To inspire and support Veterans and First Responders to become sports officials at all levels.

Core Values = “REFS” Respect, Empathy, Family, Support

Join us on a rocket ship to the NEXT LEVEL! Our crew consists of the sister and brother duo of Liz and Bill Krueper and Jeb McNally, all originally from South Bend, IN. Growing up in the shadows of ND has its pluses and minuses, but one thing is for sure, you will be playing and watching sports! We’ve brought our collective interests and expertise together to start Vets2Refs with the goal of supporting Veterans and First Responders while at the same time helping alleviate the shortage of youth and high school sports officials.

Liz Krueper is the loving Mother of two boys on Indy’s South side. Aside from being very involved with her children’s school and athletic events, Liz works as a Sales and Marketing Manager during the day and essentially an Uber driver in the evening with all of the sporting events she attends.  “Hosting our podcast ‘Settled On The Field’ and founding Vets2Refs has been incredibly rewarding. It’s amazing to see the incredible community we have, and I love combining my passion for sports with Jeb and Bill’s unique talents. Together, we’re making a real difference for Veterans, First Responders, and the community as a whole.”

Bill Krueper- “Kruep” is a loving Husband and Dad of 5 on Indy’s north side. As a Retired Naval Pilot who transitioned out of the Navy in 2020, he is very familiar with the difficulties of getting out and job hunting, not to mention community involvement and missing that team feeling. Kruep is looking to assist other Veterans and First Responders find “Vets2Refs” our newly available pathway.  A former Ball State Football walk-on letterman, he knows the importance of referees at all levels, D-1 to Little league. Kruep will strive for more Veteran involvement in Sports Officiating, via reach out for “Vets2Refs”. “If we can help both the people in need of community (Veterans and First Responders) and the sports community find quality sports officials, then we’d be wrong to not try.  I believe our communities do truly care for our Veterans and First Responders, their support here will help our youth develop and adults heal, as well as grow together.  This can be a gamechanger!” 

Jeb McNally- Jeb is a loving Husband and Father of two in South Bend. He has done/does do it all in the Sports Realm. Athletic Director, Coach, Official, Referee, Umpire, Announcer and now Podcast host. “It is with great pride that I join Liz and Bill to help Veterans, First Responders, and the youth of our communities. I as that we all remember that the officials are there for the kids. They love the sport and they are giving a lot of time to allow our children to play the games they love! Respect, Empathy, Family, and Support!”